Mind,  Soul

Beach Days-Summer 2022

Seven, this year’s magic number!  I made it to the beach seven times this season.  My normal goal each summer is to make it to the beach once a month during June, July, and August.  This should not be a difficult goal to reach but every year I seem to fall short.  After reading the book Do Nothing: How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underliving, Celeste Headlee I made beach days one of my priorities. As I wrote in an earlier blog, my first beach trip this season was in June.  The next beach day we had, the water was still too cold for my liking. We did get to see the Shark Week Blimp. 

Trip number three involved bringing a friend for the youngest, since I wouldn’t spend enough time in the water with her.  Trip four was actually monumental, it was the first time I went to the beach with all three of my girls! Trip five the water was finally getting to a temperature I could tolerate.  By this time of the season I am loving the beach and want to go more.  It helps that when I did two of my practice swims with the tri group the water was perfect and instead of doing chores I grabbed the kids and went to the beach.  I am so glad I did.  September has rolled in and school has started, I keep thinking of how to squeeze in just one more beach day.  Are you a beach person?  How often do you go?  I would love to hear about it in the comments.


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