
  • Body,  Mind,  Soul

    First Day 5K & Polar Plunge 2024

    In an effort to start my year off on a positive note, I signed up for the Ocean City First Day 5k and Polar Plunge.  The middle child wanted to do the Plunge but not the run so I would be on my own.  I met up with some running friends at the start of the race, it is always great seeing everyone.  I started out wanting to run the entire 5K but not having trained I figured I would just go out and see what I could do.  I ran as long as I could, walked as I needed and enjoyed the beach and ocean view.  I made it…

  • Body,  Mind,  Soul

    Swimming with Whale Sharks

    While in Atlanta another thing I wanted to do was see the Whale Sharks.  While researching the aquarium before our trip I found you could swim with the whale sharks!  Not sure that I would visit Atlanta more than once, I booked the tickets.  We arrived at the aquarium early to check out the other tanks and displays before our 4pm report time. There could be up to 8 people per dive, only 6 of us showed.  As we walked to the top of the tank I started to get nervous and wondered why I had signed us up for this.  A briefing by the dive instructor went over the…

  • Body,  Mind

    Rehoboth Half Marathon 2023

    The day started off very differently than any other race I have run, I was not nervous.  This was not a race for me but I was just there to support my youngest in her first half marathon.  Since our training did not go as planned the goal was just to finish and to help pass the miles I made a scavenger hunt to complete along the way.  The first mile was great. The plan was to run 2.5 minutes and walk 2.5 minutes.  Mile 2 the youngest started coughing, I thought for sure she wanted to quit but instead asked if Dad could bring her cough medicine when we…

  • Body,  Mind

    How Not to Train for a Half Marathon

    Since last December, I took time off from running to help my ankle heal from the lingering injury I sustained training for my last marathon.  I started training again in February for my triathlon last August.  After that race my training went by the wayside yet again.  My youngest expressed interest in running a half marathon in December so I signed us up and set up a training plan.  I can’t even say that we started out strong, summer quickly sped by and before we knew it I was altering the training plan to make up for the lack of training.  I put too much faith in our natural athletic…

  • Body,  Mind

    Yes, Another Post About My Hair

    Written previously, just now posting. It has been just over a year since my last hair cut.  I have been waiting trying to let my hair grow out.  I had a plan for my next haircut and made an appointment with a new stylist.  As I dug out a picture of the hair style I thought I wanted I came to a realization.  Things are not always how you remember them.  For my fortieth birthday I had a roller skating party. I encouraged everyone to dress in the style of the 70’s or 80’s.  I wanted a feathered hair style, like Farrah Faucet if you are old enough to remember…

  • Body

    Don’t Forget to Put Sunscreen on the Bottom of Your Feet!

    A couple months ago I noticed a mole on my shoulder.  If I notice it, I assume that something has changed.  If you have ever met me you can easily see I am covered with moles.  A child of the 70’s sunscreen was not something that was widely used.  As a fair skinned, white haired child I was always sunburnt in the summer.  I remember many nights crying myself to sleep from the pain. The first time I used sunscreen was on a trip to Florida when I was in high school.  Within thirty minutes I was not just burnt to a crisp but suffered second degree burns.  It wasn’t…

  • Body,  Mind

    Trying Old Things-Pheasant Hunting

    This post is not meant to offend anyone, I know we all have different views on what we eat.  I am an omnivore and enjoy plants and animals.  If you do not support eating meat you may want to skip this post.   Just as the new year started I was asked to join a pheasant hunt.  I was nervous as it has been a while since I have gone hunting.  Matter of fact it has been quite a while since I even went to the range to shoot trap or targets.  One of the hunting group members suggested we meet at the range and shoot a few clays.  I was…

  • Body,  Mind

    30 Days Sugar Free

    What started out as just a two week test has lasted thirty days.  As I mentioned in the previous blog, right away I noticed being able to focus.  This has continued as has a noticeable increase in energy. I have only taken two or three naps after work this month.  Much better than the daily nap that I was needing.  I am not sure if it is the lack of sugar and carbs or the reduction of my naps but I am sleeping better at night and I am no longer hitting the snooze button twenty times before actually getting up in the morning. I feel productive, many nights I…

  • Body,  Mind

    Sugar Free in 2023

    After reading Chris McDougall’s book Born to Run I wanted more and read the next book Natural Born Heroes.  I was intrigued by the statements in the book that the group of runners that were written about consumed very little carbohydrates from bread and rice type foods.  After completing the book I purchased In Fitness and in Health by Dr. Phillip Maffetone that was referenced. Dr. Maffetone’s book goes into how the low fat movement has not helped society and foods billed as low fat have added sugar to make them taste better and carbohydrates today are processed so much they are not healthy for us.  I have always loved…

  • Body,  Mind

    Running Review 2022

    It is that time of year again where I look back and see how the year went.  If you read my blog from last year’s review you know I set some pretty big goals for this year.  I see time and time again, “plans are what you make and then God laughs.”  I am not sure who originally coined this saying but it is very true in my life.  January 2022 started out with me still in a hold pattern, the injury that occurred in November still had me sidelined.  As February began I was given the approval to start running again.  A mile or two at a time at…