Body,  Mind

Sugar Free in 2023

After reading Chris McDougall’s book Born to Run I wanted more and read the next book Natural Born Heroes.  I was intrigued by the statements in the book that the group of runners that were written about consumed very little carbohydrates from bread and rice type foods.  After completing the book I purchased In Fitness and in Health by Dr. Phillip Maffetone that was referenced. Dr. Maffetone’s book goes into how the low fat movement has not helped society and foods billed as low fat have added sugar to make them taste better and carbohydrates today are processed so much they are not healthy for us.  I have always loved sugar. I know it is not good for me but I cannot resist, candy, cakes, and overly sweet coffee.  As I read the book and the list of symptoms that can occur when you are carbohydrate intolerant, I wondered if I was as well.  Inflammation is a symptom and I am curious if trying this way of eating would help me heal my ankle faster.  With much planning I decided January 1st would be the start to my attempt at a reduced sugar life. The first step in the eating plan is a 2 week avoidance of sugars and starches.  Basically meat and vegetables, no potatoes or corn.  I woke up with a migraine that morning. That was not fair, I didn’t even drink the night before but I did finish up a bunch of sweets before the end of the year.  I did not have coffee in the morning, milk is off the list for the first two weeks and I could not find a small container of heavy cream that is allowed.  Coffee is not something I want to give up and my husband was able to find heavy cream when he went to the store.  January 2nd, I learned coffee without sugar is not that bad.  During the first two weeks you need to eat within an hour of waking and you may eat as often as you like and as much of the approved foods as you need.  By January 4th, I noticed clarity.  I was able to focus at work and stay on task.  I felt better and had more energy.  I am seven days in and I feel much better.  I have lost 3.8 pounds of the ten or so I added during December.  Most days I have the energy to exercise when I get home from work and also hit the pool for the first time since August.  I am intrigued and I am looking forward to seeing how I feel at the end of the first two weeks.  I will keep you posted.  Do you participate in any eating challenges for January?  I would like to hear about your challenge and how it is going in the comments.


  • Sue Rea

    It is Lent season and I want to do the same!
    I was reading about sugar and Dementia.
    Already stink my coffee black with no sugar so that will be easy- tgg by e sweets and wine and. Beer- this will be tough!
    Wish me luck!

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