• Body,  Mind

    Running Review 2022

    It is that time of year again where I look back and see how the year went.  If you read my blog from last year’s review you know I set some pretty big goals for this year.  I see time and time again, “plans are what you make and then God laughs.”  I am not sure who originally coined this saying but it is very true in my life.  January 2022 started out with me still in a hold pattern, the injury that occurred in November still had me sidelined.  As February began I was given the approval to start running again.  A mile or two at a time at…

  • Body,  Mind,  Soul

    Trying Old Things- Archery

    I don’t even know the first time I shot a bow, it is something that was always a part of my life.  The first bow I remember was a red long bow that I would shoot at a target mounted on a pine tree in the backyard.  It was the seventies and we lived in a rural area.  My dad’s hope was that I would go deer hunting with him.  That never happened, after my parents divorced I don’t even know what happened to that bow.  In the 90’s I started college and gym was still a requirement, you needed a one credit general physical fitness class and a one…