Sin & Shame
I have an hour commute to work, each way. I mainly listen to music during this time with an occasional podcast. A few years back I noticed how angry I was while driving, it seemed every little thing other drivers were doing had me yelling at them. Things like “ nice turn signal,” “sure you can cut me off” or just, “what on Earth are you doing?” I would arrive at work or home very agitated and I realized my commute was robbing me of time with my family and time to be productive. Lent was coming up and I don’t always give something up but sometimes try to incorporate…
Holiday Traditions
As we approach Christmas, I have taken the time to reflect on holiday traditions. As so many things have changed in my life over the years the traditions I keep at the holidays have changed too. From my childhood, pre parents divorce, I remember a fake tree that we used some years but most years we had a live blue spruce that was then planted in the yard after the holidays. Except the one year we had a pine that my dad insisted would fit, needless to say it did not and we had two trees that year! Christmas meant taking out the electric race cars and setting up the…