Body,  Soul

Connecting with God Through Running

When I started a couch to 5K program in 2016 it was simply to get active and shed some unwanted pounds.  Little did I realize I would start running again and all the benefits that running could provide in ways other than improving my health.  My first few outings were alternating between walking and running, I could not sustain a run pace very long and often could not run for more than 30 seconds at a pace close to a 15 minute mile. I joined a virtual challenge to complete 100 intentional miles in 3 months, this group had its own Facebook page and was women only.  I was in awe of the women I met through this group, from those that were struggling to walk the few steps to their mailbox everyday to Spartan finishers.  It did not matter where you were on your journey this group was inspiring and encouraging.  The women with more running and training experience freely offered advice and guidance, and the trials posted by my fellow newbies let me know I was not alone in my struggles.  Running advice came to me not only from the group but also the runners I discovered around me that I never realized were there.  Towards the end of this challenge a coworker offered advice that helped me complete my first continuous mile, I was hooked and wanted more.  I signed up for the next virtual 100 mile challenge and set a goal to run all 100 miles in the three month time span. I had to make some adjustments for running such as learning I need to drink water throughout my run to help reduce my asthma symptoms and that music is a must to get me past the first mile.  As I started stringing 2 and 3 miles together I realized how much I was praying, praying I could just make one more step or thanking God for the strength for the last step.  As my runs have gotten longer I enjoy the time to pray and reflect on the things going on in my life.  It is also a great time to notice the beauty in the world around me that God has created.  I live in an area with gorgeous beaches, areas of trees and wildlife that I don’t always stop to admire like I do when I am out running.  The other thing are the people that have come into my life, as a whole the running community is one of the most supportive groups I have ever met. I have noticed my early morning runs are more reflective while later in the day runs tend to be more about stress reduction.  I found a few books that are devotionals for runners that are helpful to read before or after running.  Last spring I was hoping to start a running/walking group with my church but I postponed the endeavor due to the current state of things in our world.  I do not see it as a set back but rather that I needed to learn and grow more before beginning that group.  I know when the timing is right the group will come together, until then I will keep logging miles and challenging myself to grow in my running and relationship with God.


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