
Season of Laziness

Have you ever been in one of those moods where you don’t feel like doing anything?  Lately, that is where I am.  Now mind you I do go to work five days a week, I cook dinner about five times a week, the house is relatively clean and I get most of my training days completed but after that nothing.  I sit on the couch and veg while playing computer games on my phone and watching television.  I look over at the pile of books I have started reading thinking if I just picked one up I would be far more productive with my time, but they are just out of arm’s reach. I am normally a very motivated person going from project to project but lately nothing is getting my attention, but is that so wrong?  Is it not alright to just veg out for a time?  Why do I feel the need to be productive with every moment and feel guilty when I am not?  Looking over my life I do have seasons of laziness where I go through phases of low productivity but I usually bounce back after a few weeks of down time, why does this time feel different?  I even had the opportunity to do a free five day training with Tony Robbins which turned out to be six days and over 18 hours of motivation, and here I sit on the couch longing to get up and do something worthwhile.  While the easy way out would be to just blame my lackluster productivity on the current world events, I know better than that and need to place the responsibility squarely on my shoulders.  Tony Robbins recommends a shock to the system, something as easy as a cold shower can “change your state” as Tony repeated often.  But do I want to “change my state”? Or is there a part of me that is fighting for some more couch time? Do you notice you go through periods of fluctuating productivity?  Do you relish in your down times or does that stress you out more?  Do you have any tips or tricks you use to jumpstart your productivity?  I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic!  Please comment below.

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