After the Marathon- The Let-Down
It has been a month since I ran my first marathon, and I have realized that I have been out of sorts for about the last two weeks when it comes to my running. This is a pattern I have seen before and not just in terms of running. Have you ever set a goal for yourself and then notice after the celebration is over you feel kind of blah? I have been in this spot before after completing my master and doctoral degrees, after running my first half marathon, and now after my first marathon. The first time I noticed these feelings after completing my masters degree I panicked a bit worried about my lackluster attitude. I didn’t figure out why I had those feelings until they resurfaced again after my doctorate degree. I read some books, found information online, and came to the conclusion it is a natural process. All of the work and anticipation leading up to a big goal and then just like that it is over, then what? I have come to the conclusion that this downtime is needed to help you regroup and start planning your next goal. After my doctorate I started running and setting goals again but I have put off some much needed chores around the house so this time I have set a goal to repaint the interior of my house. And all the same feelings arise again when I think about this new goal. The first one that comes to mind is, can I complete this? It has been sometime since I painted more than a room at a time but I am sure my skills I honed when I purchased my fixer upper house will come back to me. I realized I have been stalling to start this project so last week I finally picked the paint color and today I bought all the supplies. Tomorrow my challenge starts and I hope to finish within a week, I will let you know how it goes. Have you felt the let down after a big achievement? What did you do to turn your mood around?
One Comment
Sue R
One week to pain the interior of a house?! That is a crazy goal – give yourself some more time. I am sure it will turn out perfect! I love painting but hate the prep work. HOpe you met your goal.