Mind,  Soul

Christmas 2021


This year I have not felt very Christmasy.  I made a decision early on that I did not want to do a lot of shopping and buy things that others don’t really need or want.  I was hoping stepping back from the commercialism would help put me in the Christmas mood, it hasn’t really helped.  I know this can be a difficult time of year for many and even though the message does not seem to be out there, it is perfectly fine to not have the Christmas spirit.  I don’t think it helps when stores start putting Christmas decorations and supplies out in the summer, what happened to a season for everything?  I don’t want to shop for Christmas in August and when I don’t, by the time November rolls around it is difficult to find the things I decided I wanted to purchase.  This year I took some extra time off from work so that I could slow down and not have to rush to get everything done.  I was able to go see Queen Esther at Sight and Sound, check out an archery store, get a massage and later today I am going to bake cookies with my girls, something we haven’t done in a few years.  Again, I just want to assure you that it is alright to not have the Christmas spirit, and you don’t have to hide that fact.  I know there are plenty of us out there and if you reach out to those around you it will give you comfort.  Merry Christmas!    


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