
The Unclutter Project-The Storage Container Cabinet

I set a goal for January to go through all of my kitchen cabinets and drawers.  Removing everything from each so that I can clean the space and then go through each item and determine what should stay and what needs to go.  I am happy to report that I finished this goal today.  Most of the cabinets and drawers were not that difficult to quickly tackle, and I purposely started with the easy ones so I felt like I had accomplished something.  The worst two were saved for last, the proverbial junk drawer and the cabinet with all the plastic food storage containers.  The junk drawer was not as awful as I thought it would be since years ago I bought dividers and set it up with specific items.  As for the container cabinet, I went in with a plan.  How many of the containers never get used?  I suspect there is really just a bunch that we use regularly and a bunch we never touch.  So the plan was to remove everything from the cabinet, check.  Clean the cabinet, check.  My mixing bowls, specialty gadgets, and my corning bakeware was given a pass to return to the cabinet.  Next was to match up all the plastic containers with lids.  And, since I am that person, I retrieved the bag of spare lids I had stashed from the last time I matched up the tops and bottoms (I try to do this yearly).  Once they were sorted I took an empty storage tote and placed all the water bottles and cups along with the containers with lids.  The next stage of the plan is as we use items from the bin, once clean they are returned to the cabinet.  I think two weeks should be a good time span but we will see how it goes.  While I am not in love with a tote of plastic containers sitting in the dining room, it was very nice to grab out my mixing bowls tonight to make dinner without a mountain of plastic containers blocking them in.  Are there areas of your home you deep clean on an annual basis?  What are your tips for tackling those areas?  I would love to hear about them in the comments.  Thank you for reading.

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