Progression of the Beach Day
I am fortunate to have always lived near the Atlantic Ocean. My parents’ childhood included regular trips to the beach in the summer and they took me often enough to cement that love in my life. My earliest memory of the beach, I was about 5, we were in Wildwood with some of my older cousins. We spent the entire time in the water jumping waves and hanging out in the swells, it was a glorious day! When I was eleven we moved to the Wildwoods and I gained unlimited beach access! During my teens, it was grabbing a towel and a book and head to the beach with some…
An Object in Motion- My Early Running Days
I wrote this blog Fall of 2020 I live my life by Isaac Newton’s first law of motion, an object in motion stays in motion. While yes you will find me sitting still playing computer games, checking Facebook, and searching the net or reading I am also usually plotting my next undertaking. During my doctoral program, the perfect storm occurred to rekindle a past love, my love of running. I had gained some weight from eating to stay awake to write and lack of movement, I started to look for something to get me moving. The easiest thing I could do was to start taking walks, about this time my…
I am a Princess
I have often let myself be treated poorly or let others take advantage of me. Just over twenty years ago I made some drastic changes in my life to start putting myself in a safer space and to improve myself. It has been a slow journey and I feel like a late bloomer to only be figuring all of this out now that I am 50 and I am still a work in progress! References to being a princess have been popping up and I thought I would take some time to think about myself as a princess. One of the daily plans I read in my Bible app is…
My First Marathon
I am thrilled to announce I am officially a marathoner! I completed my first marathon on April 25, 2021, in Chesapeake, Virginia. A week out I did not think I was ready, I had overtrained and had issues with the muscle on the side of my knee. I took the week off from running, foam rolled, did my PT exercises, electric stim, and a ton of BioFreeze to try to calm the muscle. My confidence in my ability to complete the 26.2 miles was shaken and as much as I wanted to just not go, I had told too many people about it to back out. I over-packed my bags…
Getting Out, Our Ski Adventure
As I have mentioned in previous blog posts Covid has really left me feeling unproductive and trapped at home. Every winter for at least the last 4 years my family has gone for a weekend ski trip. This year it was not looking like it would happen but I kept thinking I needed to get us out of the house and do something. I checked the state website and found I could travel to our bordering states without the need to quarantine when I returned, I confirmed this was acceptable with my employer and started planning our trip. My girls wanted to try snowboarding this year and the usual resort…
Emergency Stop Button Update
When I wrote the original post in January 2020, who knew the Covid-19 pandemic was on the way. Due to Covid, I effectively received my emergency stop. I had taken some vacation days when I was called to come into work to finish up some things before we started working for home for what I thought would be about two weeks. At first, I was gung ho about working from home tackling paperwork projects that often took a back seat to preparing labs. I started actually taking my lunch breaks, something I did not do when at work. The introvert in me was more than happy to be sequestered away…
Lent 2021
Lent has begun and in the past, I have kept with the tradition and given up something for the forty days. One year it was coffee, if you know me, you know I never stood a chance that year but I was able to cut back the amount I had daily. Sugar was another Lent of failure as I just could not stay away from its tempting sweetness. A few years back I gave up giving up something for Lent but instead looked to add new habits to my life that I could continue well past the Lenten season. That first year I decided to make time to read the…
Sin & Shame
I have an hour commute to work, each way. I mainly listen to music during this time with an occasional podcast. A few years back I noticed how angry I was while driving, it seemed every little thing other drivers were doing had me yelling at them. Things like “ nice turn signal,” “sure you can cut me off” or just, “what on Earth are you doing?” I would arrive at work or home very agitated and I realized my commute was robbing me of time with my family and time to be productive. Lent was coming up and I don’t always give something up but sometimes try to incorporate…
Holiday Traditions
As we approach Christmas, I have taken the time to reflect on holiday traditions. As so many things have changed in my life over the years the traditions I keep at the holidays have changed too. From my childhood, pre parents divorce, I remember a fake tree that we used some years but most years we had a live blue spruce that was then planted in the yard after the holidays. Except the one year we had a pine that my dad insisted would fit, needless to say it did not and we had two trees that year! Christmas meant taking out the electric race cars and setting up the…
I always felt that I do not easily make friends. Sure there were days on the playground when you were invited to play with a group and I remember having an epic day but lasting friendships did not result. Over the years I connected with a person or two and developed some close relationships that always ended due to typical childhood drama and my lack of healthy relationships to mirror. There were a couple of friendships that dissolved due to moving but looking back they probably would have self-destructed eventually. So now that I am growing up I realize that I was always too giving to friendships for fear that…