Being Creative- Making a Necklace

I was hoping on my recent trip to Lancaster to partake in some creative art. I was not able to schedule anything on such short notice but I was able to find the Bead Shop. Without time to plan for a class I shopped for some items to bring home and make a necklace. I found a natural cut of fluorite and some cut stones that were similar in color to the purple in the fluorite. My first attempt at wire wrapping the fluorite was frustrating and I put the project aside for a few days. I decided the wire I was trying to use was too thick and picked up a thinner gauge from the store. The other night I was in a creative mood and grabbed my beading supplies. I don’t know how long it took but after some twisting and connecting I had a new necklace. Not a big project but a nice creative outlet to help make me a bit mindful. Have you completed a creative art project recently? Do you have one in the works? I would love to hear about it and see pictures in the comments.