Blue & White- My Favorite Colors
How could something so innocent as your favorite color be marred by the trauma in your life? When I was younger I would have told you my favorite color was green. Secretly, I loved blue but that was a boy color and as a girl, I was to like pink. To me pink represented weakness, even at a young age I could see men who were demeaning to women, took advantage of them, or just lorded power over them. I did not want to be one of those women. I have always been a bit of a tomboy, looking back I wonder if it was a way to exhibit strength and put on a tough exterior to protect myself. Don’t get me wrong, I love tinkering with cars and fixing things. I love that my dad never told me I couldn’t do something because I was a girl, in the 70’s I suspect this was not the common thing for dads. But back to colors, by avoiding all things pink and thinking blue was not allowed, I settled for green. In my late 20’s I decided that white was my favorite color, after all, I love the clean crispness of white. But, when asked about my favorite color and I would reply white, I would be told that white is the absence of color. Finally, in my 30’s I was ready to put it out there that blue is my favorite color and what I have found is that it is perfectly acceptable for a girl to like blue! Something else I have done in more recent years is to add pink to my wardrobe. I now own a pink shirt and two pink sweaters. As I have told you in previous blogs I am a late bloomer with many things in my life and to my surprise, I am not weaker because of these pink clothing items. When I wear them I feel confident and I think that is what others see. I am happy to be at a place in my life where I can openly express my feelings and things I think about, it has been a long time coming. What is your favorite color? Has it always been your favorite or has it changed over the years? Please post your reply in the comments.