Mind,  Soul

Doing Nothing

About a month ago I started a new book, Do Nothing: How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underliving, Celeste Headlee.  I forget where I saw the recommendation for this book but it spoke to me and I quickly ordered a copy.  Right away it spoke to me, as a person who always wants to be productive but in reality I have two speeds, fully on or stalled. Maybe being stalled is not so bad.  I often feel that I need to be productive with every moment of my time but for the past few years I just cannot keep up with it and feel frustrated and tired.  In the book, the author speaks of the history of work in the human story, how we used to have more time for socializing and even just creative thinking.  This reminded me of how I will get stuck on a problem and the answer comes to me in the middle of the night, I had to relax to find the answer.  The other big take away I found in this book was about disconnecting from social media and having actual contact with my fellow humans.  We need human contact and social media while it gives the illusion of contact is no substitute.  This thought was confirmed in church.  Sometimes I worry that I cannot hear God and if I am needed to do something I am just ignoring him, but then he reminds me if he wants me to hear him I will know it.  One of the church readings was from Luke 10:38-42, Jesus it at the home of Martha and Mary.  Martha is running around trying to be a good host, getting food ready and tending to the guest and Mary is sitting with Jesus. Martha gets upset that Mary is not helping her, when she voices her unhappiness, as I take the meaning of Jesus’ reply is that the chores will wait, but spending time with friends is more important.  I very much identify with Martha in this passage, I am comfortable in taking care of all the things.  I would like to be more like Mary and spend time with friends and family but feel awkward interacting with people. So what I am taking away from the book and passage is that I need to slow down and schedule in some downtime to be creative and to socialize.  So far I have met a friend for lunch, planned 2 outings with my family,  and I am scheduling a get together with a couple of other friends for later this week.  Do you identify with Martha or Mary?  Please tell me your thoughts in the comments below.

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