Reflecting on 2023
When I wrote my blog, Missing Blog Posts in May I thought that would be the start to get me back on track. Little did I know I would only write one post in June and then nothing. My year started off strong, I made improvements to my diet by eliminating sugar, exercising, and doing things that I enjoyed. Looking back, I see a decrease in my productivity as I allowed more processed carbohydrates back in my life. The other hindrance was the change in my work hours. The lure of a 4 day work week was very appealing, putting it into play was another thing all together. By shortening my lunch I worked nine and a half hours then tack on the hour commute each way and my workday went from 10 hours to 11.5. Even looking at this now, how does an hour and a half have such an effect? I found that during that hour and a half is when I exercise, clean, and run errands. Without this time during the week my Friday off became a catch up day trying to get all the little things done. In addition, I pick up a class to teach and while it was an online section it still takes time. As 2023 comes to a close, I will take my lessons learned and move forward. I have already changed back to a five day work week, started adding exercise back into my day and signed up for a 5K race and Polar Plunge for the 1st. I have a plan in place to remove sugar from my diet beginning January 4th. While I am disappointed with the things I did not accomplish in 2023, 2024 is a new year and gives me 366 days of possibilities! What did you learn from 2023? What is a possibility for 2024? I would love to hear from you in the comments.