My Marathon Training Experience
Even before I started running regularly I had it in my mind that it would be awesome to run a marathon. I like doing things that are challenging and that most people don’t do. Although if you had been in my head during miles 10-13 when I ran my first half marathon you would seriously be questioning me, “I thought you said the marathon was off the bucket list”, “you told me the half was a one and done!” Now my brain is saying “obviously you were lying to me during that half because I see you are training for a marathon!” Just before Christmas registration opened for a marathon and at the Christmas Light run with my running group it was easy to get caught up in the excitement to sign up for a marathon. In less than ten minutes of arriving home, I was signed up too! The marathon is at the end of April, it is only December, I will be fine is what I told myself. A club member shared a training plan with me and I signed up for a 100 mile challenge to keep me on task. I did great in December and January with the challenge motivating me to run more miles than I ever have in the winter. The weather was cooperating too as many of my run days were not too cold and 30 degrees or warmer. Then February rolls in and work demands increase, my weekday miles were often less than required for the plan but most of the time I completed my weekly long run. This pattern has continued through March and April I am sad to say but I have run 4 long runs over a half marathon distance completing 16.2, 18.7, 20 and 15.75 mile runs. I am now in the taper part of my training which means I reduce my mileage and rest more so my body will be fresh for the race, but with this rest period I have noticed the nervousness is increasing. There is so much unknown as I have never run 26.2 miles before. I am second guessing my wardrobe choice and what sneakers I should wear. I do not know what the weather will be that day and need to plan outfits for multiple weather scenarios. I am relying on the experience of my running friends and trusting what they say but in the back of my mind I am still questioning if I am ready. I feel that I have come too far and told too many people to turn back now. My goal is to complete the marathon without walking, however long it takes. Look for an update in a couple of weeks!
One Comment
Sue R.
I’m glad I didn’t go on the Christmas run ! ( ha ha ) I am so impressed that you ran 20 miles let alone 26.2!!!
A marathon is NOT on my bucket list – after haveing run 5 half marathons – I’m perfectly fine with the 13.1 distance and the amount of time it takes to train. Work, family and marathon training – you are super woman!