Anticipation- Snowy Days
I have never been a fan of cold weather, but if it is going to be cold there should be snow is something I say often. If there is snow I forget that it is cold, simply enjoying the beauty and fun. As I sit here writing this we are forecasted to get a blizzard with 10-18 inches of snow possible. I am eagerly waiting for the first flakes to fall. The excitement I feel when I see snow in the forecast is like when you were a kid on Christmas eve. It doesn’t matter on the amount forecasted, I still feel the same excitement. The worst part for me is when snow is expected overnight on a work day, many times we do not get much snow, but that doesn’t matter, I won’t sleep well due to the anticipation. I get up multiple times throughout the night to check for snow and the next thing you know the alarm goes off and I have to go to work. The excitement I have from the snow is like a sugar high the next day and by mid afternoon the lack of sleep wins the battle and I start to crash. Last night when the first flakes started falling, I gathered the kids and we sat in the hot tub. Yes, it is a bit cold getting out there but once you are in the warm water it is almost magical with the snow fall. This morning we already have about a foot of snow! While I went out to shovel, my small dog has short legs and the snow was already deeper than her legs. I am waiting for my family to wake before I play. I am like a kid who woke up before her parents on Christmas and I am not allowed to wake them! That may not be a bad thing as the snow is still coming down heavily. I will tell you about my snow adventures in my next blog, until then be safe and stay warm!