
Don’t Forget to Put Sunscreen on the Bottom of Your Feet!

A couple months ago I noticed a mole on my shoulder.  If I notice it, I assume that something has changed.  If you have ever met me you can easily see I am covered with moles.  A child of the 70’s sunscreen was not something that was widely used.  As a fair skinned, white haired child I was always sunburnt in the summer.  I remember many nights crying myself to sleep from the pain. The first time I used sunscreen was on a trip to Florida when I was in high school.  Within thirty minutes I was not just burnt to a crisp but suffered second degree burns.  It wasn’t until I was in my twenties that I learned I should have my moles checked.  That first visit for one suspicious mole resulted in five biopsies and yearly checks with the dermatologist.  I do good for several years and then life will get in the way and I stop going, then I start going again until something else gets in the way.  The last batch of regular checks was at least five years ago, I was having three moles removed about every two weeks, it was very overwhelming.  While most were coming back atypical they were getting all of the irregular cells removed.  I have two different doctors I use for my mole checks so that I get two sets of eyes looking at all of them.  This time I went back to the local doctor.  The one on my shoulder was nothing to be concerned about but the one on the underside of my foot had grown since the last visit.  I hate getting needles and the ones in my feet or hands are the worst, but I tried to act like an adult and get through the procedure. A week later the call came that there were irregular cells and they did not remove them all so I would need to make a return trip.  My appointment was two weeks away and so there was plenty of time to stress myself out over the situation.  Finally, the day arrived, it was a different doctor doing this procedure and he used freezing spray before the needle, it was a bit painful but not as bad as just getting the needle with the lidocaine.  It was over before I knew it and then I felt silly for being so anxious about the procedure.  I received the call a few days after that all the irregular cells were removed.  This was the second mole I have had removed from the underside of my foot.  I need to remember when I am laying down outside without shoes I must put sunscreen on the bottom of my feet.  Who knew this was a thing?  If you have moles it is a good idea to have a doctor check them, at the very least you can take your own measurements and track them so it is easier to notice changes.  For more information here is the link to the Skin Cancer Foundation. As the summer is beginning, I hope you will remember to wear sunscreen and help protect your skin. Stay safe out there!

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