
2024- A Year in Review

As I usually do as the year comes to an end, I started looking through my journals for my goals from the year. I wanted to see what I accomplished and see what areas needed work.  To my surprise I could not find a single goal I wrote down for last year.  It was then that my year came into focus, no wonder it felt off. Sure I had signed up for the tri groups 12 training sessions to help improve my strength and I was getting the pool every other week but I never wrote down my targets.  How can I hit something if I don’t see it?  Work-wise this was a very productive year and I crossed much off my perpetual to do list there but at home I floundered.  My training was not consistent, I barely made it to the beach at all in the summer, and let’s not even talk about my reading list.  I was able to get a few projects off the home list and that felt really great but overall I was just not as productive as I like.  But as the new year begins it brings a chance for a new start.  Goals have been written, monthly tracker in place, and I am feeling optimistic about the year to come.  Have you set goals for the new year? I would love to hear about them in the comments. Thank you for reading! 

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