
Consistently Inconsistent

It has again been months since I have written anything.  Ideas have popped into my mind and I brush them away choosing to be inactive.  Oh I start off strong at the beginning of the new year and at the start of each month but gradually I stop being as productive as I intended.  What I have realized is that I am consistently inconsistent.  So now that I recognize that, how do I harness this and rework it to my advantage?  I am trying to figure out what trips me up that derails my productivity.  Is it when my set routine is changed by adding in an activity that is not part of my routine?  Is it the mornings I wake up with a migraine and just don’t have the umph to tackle the day with full strength?  I also see where I struggle internally with wanting to be a creature of habit and have a daily routine mapped out versus having an open day to just do whatever comes to mind.  Finally, some days I take on too much and the next day I am not physically and/or mentally capable of putting out the same effort as the day before.  After I finish up this post, I will dust off another monthly tracking sheet and try to set myself up for a productive month.  I will let you know how it goes.  How do you keep yourself on track to accomplish your goals?  Are you a creature of habit and love your set routine or a go with the flow type of person?  I would love to hear about it in the comments.

Author’s Note: I wrote this back in July and this is the first time on my blog since May 2024.

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