
  • Mind,  Soul

    I am a Princess

    I have often let myself be treated poorly or let others take advantage of me.  Just over twenty years ago I made some drastic changes in my life to start putting myself in a safer space and to improve myself.  It has been a slow journey and I feel like a late bloomer to only be figuring all of this out now that I am 50 and I am still a work in progress!  References to being a princess have been popping up and I thought I would take some time to think about myself as a princess.  One of the daily plans I read in my Bible app is…

  • Mind

    After the Marathon- The Let-Down

    It has been a month since I ran my first marathon, and I have realized that I have been out of sorts for about the last two weeks when it comes to my running.  This is a pattern I have seen before and not just in terms of running.  Have you ever set a goal for yourself and then notice after the celebration is over you feel kind of blah? I have been in this spot before after completing my master and doctoral degrees, after running my first half marathon, and now after my first marathon.  The first time I noticed these feelings after completing my masters degree I panicked…

  • Body,  Mind,  Soul

    My First Marathon

    I am thrilled to announce I am officially a marathoner!  I completed my first marathon on April 25, 2021, in Chesapeake, Virginia.  A week out I did not think I was ready, I had overtrained and had issues with the muscle on the side of my knee.  I took the week off from running, foam rolled, did my PT exercises, electric stim, and a ton of BioFreeze to try to calm the muscle.  My confidence in my ability to complete the 26.2 miles was shaken and as much as I wanted to just not go, I had told too many people about it to back out.  I over-packed my bags…

  • Body,  Mind

    My Marathon Training Experience

    26.2 Even before I started running regularly I had it in my mind that it would be awesome to run a marathon.  I like doing things that are challenging and that most people don’t do.  Although if you had been in my head during miles 10-13 when I ran my first half marathon you would seriously be questioning me, “I thought you said the marathon was off the bucket list”, “you told me the half was a one and done!”  Now my brain is saying “obviously you were lying to me during that half because I see you are training for a marathon!”  Just before Christmas registration opened for a…

  • Body,  Mind

    Pushing Past Fear- Indoor Rock Climbing

    I was on a roll after our ski trip and signed up to try indoor rock climbing, another bucket list item.  I was surprised to find a few places in our state and one that is fairly close.  We chose one near my oldest and made the journey to meet up with her.  All of us being newbies, I signed us up for a group class.  They showed us how to put on our harnesses and how to find the right size shoes.  Just like bowling you can rent the shoes but unlike bowling you can use your sneakers if you choose.  We went for the full experience and rented…

  • Mind

    Diversity, Not Just for Humans

    Lately, we have seen so much about being accepting and inclusive to people of all types and how this is needed in our world.  Each of us brings something unique to this world and by excluding people we can miss out on some really great things.  But diversity cannot and should not be limited to just people.  Think about investing, would you really want to put all of your savings in just one company?  No, you pick some stocks and also invest in some real estate.  But why in this world where we are touting the benefits of diversity, are we overlooking other areas such as our energy production? For…

  • Mind

    Packing List System

    I am the type of person that likes to have systems in place to make things easier.  Years ago I realized every time my family would plan a trip I would write out a list of everything we would need to pack so I could make sure we didn’t forget to pack anything.  I don’t know how many times I wrote out these lists before I realized they were basically the same, with some exceptions depending on where we were going so why did I keep rewriting the same list?  I moved my list into tables in word documents and created different ones as needed.  We have a general packing…

  • Body,  Mind,  Soul

    Getting Out, Our Ski Adventure

    As I have mentioned in previous blog posts Covid has really left me feeling unproductive and trapped at home.  Every winter for at least the last 4 years my family has gone for a weekend ski trip.  This year it was not looking like it would happen but I kept thinking I needed to get us out of the house and do something.  I checked the state website and found I could travel to our bordering states without the need to quarantine when I returned, I confirmed this was acceptable with my employer and started planning our trip. My girls wanted to try snowboarding this year and the usual resort…

  • Mind,  Soul

    Emergency Stop Button Update

    When I wrote the original post in January 2020, who knew the Covid-19 pandemic was on the way.  Due to Covid, I effectively received my emergency stop.  I had taken some vacation days when I was called to come into work to finish up some things before we started working for home for what I thought would be about two weeks.  At first, I was gung ho about working from home tackling paperwork projects that often took a back seat to preparing labs.  I started actually taking my lunch breaks, something I did not do when at work.  The introvert in me was more than happy to be sequestered away…

  • Mind

    Season of Laziness

    Have you ever been in one of those moods where you don’t feel like doing anything?  Lately, that is where I am.  Now mind you I do go to work five days a week, I cook dinner about five times a week, the house is relatively clean and I get most of my training days completed but after that nothing.  I sit on the couch and veg while playing computer games on my phone and watching television.  I look over at the pile of books I have started reading thinking if I just picked one up I would be far more productive with my time, but they are just out…