Playing in the Snow

We did get about 15 inches of snow between last night and today! The wind drifted the snow higher in some spots. It stopped snowing about 3 pm and after finishing up the WandaVision series, we bundled up and headed outside. Snow angel first and then just playing in the snow with the girls and the dogs. I helped shovel the walk and went back to playing. We played until my toes were cold, which may have been just over an hour. Why does it sometimes seem like you did something for a long time, even when you are enjoying yourself and when you finally look at the time it has not been as long as you thought. Inside to warm up, the middle one made hot chocolate with milk and extra marshmallows, it was delicious. I made a quick pot of chili for dinner and shortly after dinner we headed out to the hot tub. I made fruit smoothies to take along with our water. While getting changed it dawned on me with the wind and snow on the deck we would not be able to take our towels outside. I bundled up with my towel and ran out to take the cover off the hot tub. Back into the house to drop my towel off before setting a new PR of how fast I can get from the house to the hot tub. With the wind, the feels like temperature was 7 degrees! Earlier in the day the youngest and I decided we would do a snow plunge. After getting nice and toasty in the hot tub we climbed out and jumped in the snow. I have done a polar plunge in the ocean before and let me tell you, snow is a lot colder! We scrambled back to the hot tub to warm up. It was a strange sensation after being so cold getting into the hot water. I will say it was very invigorating. Today the wind has calmed down and I am eagerly waiting for the girls to wake so we can go play some more. What is your favorite thing to do when it snows? Please let me know in the comments.