Rehoboth Half Marathon 2023

The day started off very differently than any other race I have run, I was not nervous. This was not a race for me but I was just there to support my youngest in her first half marathon. Since our training did not go as planned the goal was just to finish and to help pass the miles I made a scavenger hunt to complete along the way.

The first mile was great. The plan was to run 2.5 minutes and walk 2.5 minutes. Mile 2 the youngest started coughing, I thought for sure she wanted to quit but instead asked if Dad could bring her cough medicine when we passed the hotel. We walked a bit longer then set back on our intervals, I let her control the pace and just wanted to be there to support her. The weather was warm for an early December day and as always the other runners and spectators provided encouragement. She found all the dogs before she finished the first mile, we stopped for pictures, enjoyed the scenery and our time together.

Our finish time was 3:07:30. This was my slowest half and the only one I completed and felt great at the end. When asked if she would run another one, she hesitated before saying “no.” Later she told me “maybe a ten mile race is my limit.” This race was just what I needed to know that I want to start training for another marathon. Stay tuned for updates.