
  • Mind,  Soul

    Stop and Find the Critters

    Lately I find myself feeling overwhelmed.  The demands at work keep compounding over the years and while I keep thinking if I just get over this hurdle and things will improve that has not happened.  Instead, I am exhausted and letting chores at home go, this starts the vicious cycle when I get mad at myself for not keeping things the way I like them.  My floors are not vacuumed, the dishes go days without being done, and we order takeout more often then we should.  I feel off kilter and need a reset but have been too tired to figure out how to accomplish the reset.  Yesterday gave me…

  • Mind,  Soul

    Big Dreams

    Currently the Powerball is at an all time high, somewhere in the billions.  Just like much of the country I am playing and dreaming of what I could do if I won. Also, like the majority of the country I will be a bit disappointed when I don’t win. All the thoughts of how I could help others, the trips I would take and the cars I would buy will dissolve, but why do I have to wait to win a large sum of money?  What if I look to see what I can do now?  So the Maserati will have to wait, but what if I take a bag…

  • Mind,  Soul

    Beach Days-Summer 2022

    Seven, this year’s magic number!  I made it to the beach seven times this season.  My normal goal each summer is to make it to the beach once a month during June, July, and August.  This should not be a difficult goal to reach but every year I seem to fall short.  After reading the book Do Nothing: How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underliving, Celeste Headlee I made beach days one of my priorities. As I wrote in an earlier blog, my first beach trip this season was in June.  The next beach day we had, the water was still too cold for my liking. We did…

  • Body,  Mind,  Soul

    Triathlon #2

    I was as ready as I was going to be. I did not have much confidence in my training and I was nervous about the run.  But as many of us know, “if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.”  The first great surprise I found out just before race day, my youngest and her team would be volunteering at the race.  I did not expect to see my daughter during the race, she thought they would be working the 5K event.  Surprise number two, they were working the transition!  It was great seeing her every time I entered and left transition. Many of the tri…

  • Mind,  Soul

    God’s Will- Training for Triathlon #2

    Less than 3 weeks out from my second triathlon and I had not run a single step. And after my unsuccessful swim, I was really worried about being able to complete the triathlon.  I mentioned it at PT and they had me get on the treadmill and try.  I ran for a minute and 54 seconds, a long way from the 3.2 miles I would need to cover.  Cleared to start running I was advised to alternate between running and walking. My first time out I made it for a total of 5 running minutes.  As I learned after the swim, I had missed the cut off to defer the…

  • Mind,  Soul

    Failure or Growth Potential?

    Yesterday began like most mornings.  I fed the dogs then opened up my YouVersion Bible app.  After reading the word of the day I clicked on the Bible plans I have been working on.  This week I started Unhindered by Fear by Esther Marie.  The plan this morning talked about fear of failure.  I am no stranger to failure in my life and over the years I know that from failure I have accomplished many goals and have grown stronger.  While working on my doctorate degree my research was not coming together and it took an extra year for me to graduate. Looking back I see how the time was…

  • Mind,  Soul

    Doing Nothing

    About a month ago I started a new book, Do Nothing: How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underliving, Celeste Headlee.  I forget where I saw the recommendation for this book but it spoke to me and I quickly ordered a copy.  Right away it spoke to me, as a person who always wants to be productive but in reality I have two speeds, fully on or stalled. Maybe being stalled is not so bad.  I often feel that I need to be productive with every moment of my time but for the past few years I just cannot keep up with it and feel frustrated and tired.  In…

  • Body,  Mind

    On the Mend, Again

    Obviously, I was meant to take another break from running.  I thought I was doing everything right recovering from my ankle injury that occurred in November.  I was careful not to push too hard and slowly increased my mileage each month.  I felt good.  The Cape May Point races were coming up and I felt like the 2 races totaling 7 miles would be a good challenge. To date I was up to 6.2 miles so another 0.8 would be fine.  For those that are not runners, when you train for a half or full marathon you don’t run the actual distance during training.  For the half you run ten…

  • Mind,  Soul

    Beach Day 2022

    I have the luxury of living near the beach and every summer I get annoyed with myself that I did not get to the beach often enough. The last few years I have made a more conscious effort to correct this imbalance. I am happy to report I completed my first beach day for the 2022 summer and I was able to squeeze it in before the end of June!  Due to chores, I could not spend the entire day at the beach.  I was up early and was able to get some chores done then headed off to the beach with my youngest.  We went to a different beach…

  • Mind,  Soul

    Returning to Church

    A few weeks ago I went to my first in person church service since covid began. If you follow my blog posts or know me, you know I can get anxious in a variety of situations, returning to church can now be added to the list.  I have kept in touch with some church members over this hiatus and started volunteering at our thrift store, but the thought of seeing everyone all at once was a bit scary.  It is crazy how the mind can work, even though I have missed my church family and wanted to return and see them, it was still an overwhelming thought.  Things have also…