Raising Chicks
This year I tried another new activity, I became a foster mom to baby chicks! I have always wanted to raise baby birds, specifically chicks or ducks. I just love those little balls of fluff. Two things have stopped me in the past, first I am slightly afraid of birds and second I cannot have farm animals where I live. After years of asking around, I finally found someone that would take chickens if I raised them! Step one complete. Next I needed to figure out how to raise chicks and what I would need. If left to my own devices I would have drug this process out to the…
Missing Blog Posts
For about the last year I was good about making sure a new blog post came out every two weeks, at least I was until a month ago when I failed to publish a new post. That one missing post became two and now I am just a few days from a publish date. As I struggle to write something, I thought an apology would be a good place to start. I am sorry I missed posting, I am appreciative of my readers and I am sorry I let you down. Sometimes when I get overwhelmed with tasks it is easiest for me to freeze and do nothing, this begins…
Trying Old Things-Pheasant Hunting
This post is not meant to offend anyone, I know we all have different views on what we eat. I am an omnivore and enjoy plants and animals. If you do not support eating meat you may want to skip this post. Just as the new year started I was asked to join a pheasant hunt. I was nervous as it has been a while since I have gone hunting. Matter of fact it has been quite a while since I even went to the range to shoot trap or targets. One of the hunting group members suggested we meet at the range and shoot a few clays. I was…
2022 Year End Review-Reading
I used to be an avid reader, then life and the pull of televisions and cell phones diminished the amount I read. I do love a good self-help book and would read 3-5 per year but to read a book for pleasure with no learning required was something I had not done since Dan Brown’s book The Davinci Code was the hot new read. I borrowed the book from a friend and then read everything the library had in stock that he wrote. While working on my degree I did not have time for pleasure reading and when I finished school the pull of the self-help books called. Last year…
30 Days Sugar Free
What started out as just a two week test has lasted thirty days. As I mentioned in the previous blog, right away I noticed being able to focus. This has continued as has a noticeable increase in energy. I have only taken two or three naps after work this month. Much better than the daily nap that I was needing. I am not sure if it is the lack of sugar and carbs or the reduction of my naps but I am sleeping better at night and I am no longer hitting the snooze button twenty times before actually getting up in the morning. I feel productive, many nights I…
Being Creative- Making a Necklace
I was hoping on my recent trip to Lancaster to partake in some creative art. I was not able to schedule anything on such short notice but I was able to find the Bead Shop. Without time to plan for a class I shopped for some items to bring home and make a necklace. I found a natural cut of fluorite and some cut stones that were similar in color to the purple in the fluorite. My first attempt at wire wrapping the fluorite was frustrating and I put the project aside for a few days. I decided the wire I was trying to use was too thick and picked…
Sugar Free in 2023
After reading Chris McDougall’s book Born to Run I wanted more and read the next book Natural Born Heroes. I was intrigued by the statements in the book that the group of runners that were written about consumed very little carbohydrates from bread and rice type foods. After completing the book I purchased In Fitness and in Health by Dr. Phillip Maffetone that was referenced. Dr. Maffetone’s book goes into how the low fat movement has not helped society and foods billed as low fat have added sugar to make them taste better and carbohydrates today are processed so much they are not healthy for us. I have always loved…
Running Review 2022
It is that time of year again where I look back and see how the year went. If you read my blog from last year’s review you know I set some pretty big goals for this year. I see time and time again, “plans are what you make and then God laughs.” I am not sure who originally coined this saying but it is very true in my life. January 2022 started out with me still in a hold pattern, the injury that occurred in November still had me sidelined. As February began I was given the approval to start running again. A mile or two at a time at…
Trying Old Things- Archery
I don’t even know the first time I shot a bow, it is something that was always a part of my life. The first bow I remember was a red long bow that I would shoot at a target mounted on a pine tree in the backyard. It was the seventies and we lived in a rural area. My dad’s hope was that I would go deer hunting with him. That never happened, after my parents divorced I don’t even know what happened to that bow. In the 90’s I started college and gym was still a requirement, you needed a one credit general physical fitness class and a one…
Feeling Stalled
I try not to talk about work on my blog but I feel the need to get this out. Over the years like many companies, cutbacks have led to increased workloads. My employer is no different. At first you are happy to still be employed but as time goes by the compounding effect of the additional work and stress take its toll. The worst part is you don’t even notice it until you feel completely broken. My First clue came during our covid shut down when I worked from home for a month or so, without my hour commute each way I gained 2 hours of time each day, it…