My First Triathlon
After waiting for over a year and a half from when I signed up, race weekend was finally here! Friday night was the athletes’ meeting and packet pickup. I left later than planned and just barely made it in time for the meeting. After the meeting, I picked up my race packet with my numbers and timing chip. I was happy the volunteers also added our required markings to our arms as I had no clue what I was doing. At this point with markered numbers on my arms, it started to feel real, I was really doing this. I caught up with some of my fellow running club…
Triathlon Training
About 4 years ago I took my girls to the beach and as we arrived the TriWildwood Triathlon had ended and I saw all of these people with these fabulous medals. I did not know what was going on but I wanted one of those medals! I went home and googled the event and found it is billed as the best beginner friendly triathlon and it is right in my backyard! At the time I did not do any exercise regularly, if the mood struck I would do some sort of weight training or aerobics but I was far from consistent. About a year into running I thought about the…
An Object in Motion- My Early Running Days
I wrote this blog Fall of 2020 I live my life by Isaac Newton’s first law of motion, an object in motion stays in motion. While yes you will find me sitting still playing computer games, checking Facebook, and searching the net or reading I am also usually plotting my next undertaking. During my doctoral program, the perfect storm occurred to rekindle a past love, my love of running. I had gained some weight from eating to stay awake to write and lack of movement, I started to look for something to get me moving. The easiest thing I could do was to start taking walks, about this time my…
My First Marathon
I am thrilled to announce I am officially a marathoner! I completed my first marathon on April 25, 2021, in Chesapeake, Virginia. A week out I did not think I was ready, I had overtrained and had issues with the muscle on the side of my knee. I took the week off from running, foam rolled, did my PT exercises, electric stim, and a ton of BioFreeze to try to calm the muscle. My confidence in my ability to complete the 26.2 miles was shaken and as much as I wanted to just not go, I had told too many people about it to back out. I over-packed my bags…
My Marathon Training Experience
26.2 Even before I started running regularly I had it in my mind that it would be awesome to run a marathon. I like doing things that are challenging and that most people don’t do. Although if you had been in my head during miles 10-13 when I ran my first half marathon you would seriously be questioning me, “I thought you said the marathon was off the bucket list”, “you told me the half was a one and done!” Now my brain is saying “obviously you were lying to me during that half because I see you are training for a marathon!” Just before Christmas registration opened for a…
Pushing Past Fear- Indoor Rock Climbing
I was on a roll after our ski trip and signed up to try indoor rock climbing, another bucket list item. I was surprised to find a few places in our state and one that is fairly close. We chose one near my oldest and made the journey to meet up with her. All of us being newbies, I signed us up for a group class. They showed us how to put on our harnesses and how to find the right size shoes. Just like bowling you can rent the shoes but unlike bowling you can use your sneakers if you choose. We went for the full experience and rented…
Getting Out, Our Ski Adventure
As I have mentioned in previous blog posts Covid has really left me feeling unproductive and trapped at home. Every winter for at least the last 4 years my family has gone for a weekend ski trip. This year it was not looking like it would happen but I kept thinking I needed to get us out of the house and do something. I checked the state website and found I could travel to our bordering states without the need to quarantine when I returned, I confirmed this was acceptable with my employer and started planning our trip. My girls wanted to try snowboarding this year and the usual resort…
2020 Running Year in Review
As with many people as the year comes to a close I look back on the year to see what I accomplished and set goals for the upcoming year. Since this is the first time I am doing this on my blog I feel the need to catch you up. I have always enjoyed running and yet when I was younger never participated in any running sports, although there was one field day in sixth grade where I was selected to run for my class. I couldn’t tell you the distance, maybe a quarter of a mile tops. I ran my hardest, and at the end I remember it being…
Snow Skiing
As I have mentioned in other posts, I feel I am a late bloomer when it comes to taking on adventure and trying new things. An example is skiing. The first time I finally went skiing I was in my late 20’s. When I was younger my Dad talked about taking us but we never got around to it. In junior high and high school there were yearly day trips but that was something my family could not afford. In college one of my favorite professors, Dr. McGrellis was the ski club advisor. If I joined I could go for free by fundraising, a week in Vermont sounded wonderful but…
Connecting with God Through Running
When I started a couch to 5K program in 2016 it was simply to get active and shed some unwanted pounds. Little did I realize I would start running again and all the benefits that running could provide in ways other than improving my health. My first few outings were alternating between walking and running, I could not sustain a run pace very long and often could not run for more than 30 seconds at a pace close to a 15 minute mile. I joined a virtual challenge to complete 100 intentional miles in 3 months, this group had its own Facebook page and was women only. I was in…